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How-To Complete the Colon Cleanser.
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How to complete the cleanse?
Firstly, it's good that you're interested in cleansing your gut! Home to your immune system!. Here we will give you all the details you need to know, if you want to communicate directly with us write to or via Instagram DM @PalmaSolutions

The Colon Cleanser, is a product for members of our private association, which anyone can join by completing the steps shown HERE.

Lapse of time
The cleanse is done within approx. 6-7 days.

  • 1-2 day of preparation (reduction of food eaten) + consuming more liquid, such as cold-pressed juices, juiced veggies, fruits, etc. The more colorful & diverse the juices the better (as long as it's natural). It's important the juice you make are more LIQUID than SMOOTHIE type texture. We want the formula to absorb what's in the intestines, not the food you're consuming. Therefore, it has to be liquid juices with little to no fiber in them.

  • 5 days of cleansing (fluid fast)

  • 1 day reintroduction of light foods


  • Be going to the bathroom fluently, 2 to 3 times a day.

  • Stock up on organic Apple juice, preferably fresh-pressed organic. You will be using apple juice to mix the formula and to drink it. We recommend the brand called Martinelli that comes in a glass jar, you can get it in almost every supermarket on the island (For Puerto Rico members), for the states (try Wholefoods, Sprouts, etc).

  • Stock up on fresh juice supplies, or buy already made. Scroll down to see different juice recipes.

  • 1 mason jar, or some container with a lid where you can mix the apple juice with 1 packet of the formula, and shake it to consume quickly.

  • Separate that week in a quiet and safe space, where you can relax and not have interruptions.



Organic Ginger root

Apple Pectin

Psyllium Husk

Food Grade Bentonite Clay



*Instructions are also sent with the cleansing kit.


Deep Cleanse:


  1. Mix 1 packet with 8oz - 12oz of apple juice and consume; every 2 to 3 hours. It would be 5 servings per day, for 5 days.

  2. Drink 2 glasses of water after each serving of apple juice + the formula *this step is super important, to ensure your fluidity to the bathroom during the cleanse, and prevent constipation.*

  3. Drink as many juices in between each serving as you want. As long as they're natural. Aim for high quality sugar-free juices, or make them yourself for the best experience possible!



Light Cleanse:

  1. Mix 1 packet with 8-12oz of Apple Juice in a mason jar, shake & drink quickly, first thing in the morning.

  2. Drink 2 glasses of water after each serving. Never forget to drink your 2 cups of water after each serving.

  3. Repeat everyday for 25 days.


Breaking the Fast 


Breaking the fast is the most important part of this cleanse, incorrectly breaking the fast can lead to serious health problems, including death (in extremely rare cases, we still mention this to avoid issues, we trust you'll be fine). Please be advised and do research on breaking the fast.


The correct way on breaking a 5-day fast is to consume ONLY watery, juicy fruits, melons, grapes, cantaloupes, etc. This is to be gentle on the digestive system and allow the body to adapt. The second day of breaking the fast you can introduce a soft cream, a soup (not too thick, avoid pasta/noodles), with also fruits. On the third day of breaking the fast, you can start introducing 1 cooked meal and followed with fruits and other light foods. The 4th day, you can start introducing your normal eating patterns, be gentle and LISTEN to your body.


From now on, please do your BEST to avoid:

  1. GMO (genetically modified foods),

  2. High Fructose Corn Syrup,

  3. Sucralose, Aspartame,

  4. White Sugar,

  5. Highly processed white flour,

  6. White flour pasta,

  7. Soda,

  8. Artificial coloring e.g. red #40 etc., 

  9. Canola Oil, Hydrolyzed Oils (Palm Oil),

  10. Hormone treated MILK and MEAT, Farm Raised Fish and Eggs.

  11. Look for organic, free-range. No hormone/antibiotics animal products,

  12. avoid excess coffee (very acidic).

Please read the pH (potential hydrogen) Food Chart below, and get informed about how electric (alkaline) or Acidic the foods you are consuming are, and connect that to how you feel.

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