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Disclaimer: This information is for research and educational purposes only. We are not medical professional and do not advise to take chlorine dioxide, consume at your own risk. The FDA has it labeled as a harmful bleach. However, Bolivia has started doing lab tests with Andreas Kalcker directly under the Military University of Engineers, which is a big step moving forward with this natural-healing-solution. 

A big solution.

Chlorine Dioxide

Chlorine dioxide is a powerful healing substance, it super-oxygenates and alkalinizes the the body. It is a gas trapped in water, which can be made by mixing sodium chlorite and hydrochloric acid. It has 2 atoms of oxygen and 1 of chlorine. 


It alkalizes &
oxygenates the body, killing pathogens, bacteria, viruses, parasites and fungus. Allows the body to fully heal itself.

Chlorine Dioxide is an Alkaline-Gas, when we trap it in water we can then ingest it. The way it works is that the body naturally stores the oxygen delivered by the Chlorine Dioxide, in the red blood cells, and takes it to every and any part of the body that needs that oxygen to REDUCE the acidity in that area. Where there is oxygen, there is alkalinity. Where there is disease, inflammation, etc. there is acidity. This is why when we do exercise, our body creates lactic acid, and we need oxygen to alkalinize/oxygenate that lactic acid.  The power of chlorine dioxide is that it delivers it instantly, and provides the oxygen selectively, only to the areas where the body needs oxygen (where it is acidic).

By delivering oxygen, it reduces the acidity in the body, allowing the natural regeneration of the body to take place. 

Without oxygen, we cannot live, that is very clear. "The blood in our veins has a pH of 7.31, while the blood in our arteries exiting the lungs has a pH of 7.41. In other words, we are alkalizing our bodies with every breath, which is vital, because we breathe between 15,000 and 25,000 liters of air per day, whether awake or asleep. Therefore, the alkalinization process happens through the breathing process." p.65-Forbidden health, Andreas Kalcker.


in my opinion

To heal the body, 
there must be oxygen, minerals,
and an alkaline environment.

There is nothing that the body cannot heal from, but if we continue to eat unhealthy, take fake medicine that does not cure the root, have unhealthy negative thoughts, and live in an unhealthy stressful environment, we will not allow the body to heal.

Best methods to use CDS as a natural solution.

Protocol C: This is the universal protocol to treat and slow down any diseases. 

Pour 10 ml of CDS into 1 liter of distilled/spring or purified water. Never use tap water.

Divide the bottle into 10 parts with a marker and drink 1 part every hour. 

Protocol D: As in Dermatology

1. Fill a glass/strong plastic spray bottle with 25 drops for every 2 ounces of water.

2. Apple directly to the skin to treat:

  • Wounds

  • Burns

  • Fungus

  • Other Skin Problems

* For deeper skin penetration, you can combine the treatment with DMSO at 70%. Put DMSO at 70% in a glass spray bottle and apply right after spraying the CDS on the Skin, seal the coat with another layer of CDS. This is called a "sandwich", 2 layers of CDS and 1 of DMSO in the middle.

Protocol E: Enemas

Fill an enema bag with distilled, spring, or purified water and add 10 drops or 10ml of CDS into the bag and close it. Proceed to start the enema.

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