Code: Creativity = Imagination = Creativity = Attention = Energy.
Through imagination and creativity worlds are created, worlds for better or for worse are created.
It is important
to know and understand the terms' creativity, imagination and creation. Because this is the most valuable thing that human beings have. It is our creative power with which we create our realities, for better or for worse. Where we constantly put our attention is what we will create, it is the world where we will live, it is through the filter through which we will see the world.
When the collective
has the same vision, we can manifest our imagination into the physical much faster.
The problem is when we do not know our power as creators, and we are robbed of our imagination and creativity for external agendas that do not resonate with our personal being or purpose.
The education system
is funded by the largest corporation in the world, each corporation has a different agenda, by funding the schools, the innocent children that attend these schools are fed information that favors the expansion of these corporations.
The control of information
has made us think that we are mere humans on a planet that have no purpose, the purpose we have been given is to get an education in an educational system, get a position in another corporation's job, and live life like most of the humanity, live, work, make money and survive.
Since I mention surviving, we humans, we are not free. We do not have access to free food, free drinking water, or free shelter. To acquire what we humans need, we need money, money was created by man.
Money was created
for this purpose, to control us and force us to work using our creativity and energy for another agenda, in order to acquire money to feed, hydrate and survive. Also to increase the power and influence of the creators of money.
As human beings we have every right to have access to food, water and shelter without having to use money, which was created by someone else.
Back to your imagination
it is important to never judge the innocence of children and adults, we must always respect their innocence, as it is their imagination, and if we move away from our innocence that allows us to find imagination and creativity, where new ideas, solutions, and connect with intuition arise, then we will not have access to such a part of our lives.
And of course, we must keep our feet on the ground because there are imaginations that do not bear fruit, are pure nonsense and have no logic at all.
Stay creative, innovating and creating.
If you see it in your mind, you can create it, just keep in mind what you are visualizing 🖋️