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The Magic of words

Words create worlds. This is why they've taken away our native, ancestral language and given us English. English is a merchant language, which derives from Maritime Law. Maritime law is the rules and regulations for boats doing commerce around the world.

This language, which is supposed to be for commerce, has been applied to us without our knowledge & consent. I'm not saying it's bad or evil.

But basically, when we use certain words, we start to work under maritime law/Commerce law. If in a court you identify as a person, you are saying that you are a fictitious person and are identifying yourself to a corporation.

“Person” means an individual, a corporation, partnership, limited liability company, association, trust, unincorporated organization, or other legal entity or organization, or a Government Body.

What corporation are they talking about?

They created a corporation in your name when you were born and your parents signed off the birth certificate, so you could have a SSN. This is when they created a corporation under your name, so you could do commerce with entities/companies/corporations, as man cannot do business with corporations, only corporations can do business with corporations under maritime law.

So, your name in your license, birth certificate, SSN, any bill, etc. is in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS. Why? This is how they distinguish a real man/woman from a fiction corporation. But they don't tell us that.

So basically, we already have a corporation under our name. However, that corporation belongs to the United States which is a corporation, just like Apple & Amazon.

United States

(15) “United States” means— (A) a Federal corporation; (B) an agency, department, commission, board, or other entity of the United States; or (C) an instrumentality of the United States.

Since our parents signed that Birth Certificate application off, they have control over it, they basically own it, since we don't know what it truly is and have not taken ownership over it when we turned adults (18 years old). Therefore, since our parents voluntary signed it off, we need to voluntarily get it back.

Until we don't authenticate our birth certificate, at state & federal level we are considered "lost at sea" and we require to get back "to the land".

Check this out. We are semen/seaman, and our ship/corporation/body is considered "lost at sea" because haven't claimed it.

These words are used in maritime for literal bots/ships at sea. NOT humans. However, they've introduced this language into our minds without any knowledge of it. Why? To confuse us, and so they can keep us slaves. This deceiving language is called Legalese (Legal lease).

This Blog post is still unfinished, but i will publish it to start bringing awareness to this.

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Sep 16, 2023

Interesting , looking forward to learn more about what language should we be using instead. Also doing some research on my own about the topic. Namaste 🙏🏾

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