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Using Turpentine oil for Parasites

Updated: Oct 13, 2023

Turpentine oil,

a natural remedy that has been used for centuries, is a powerful tool for parasite and fungus detoxification from the human body.

Also known as spirit of turpentine,

this oil is distilled from the resin of pine trees and has been used for various medicinal purposes, including the treatment of respiratory ailments, wounds, and skin conditions. But in recent years, its antiparasitic properties have come to the forefront.

The use of turpentine oil for parasite detoxification

has been around for a long time. In fact, it was used extensively in the 19th century as a treatment for intestinal parasites. The practice fell out of favor with the advent of modern medicine, but those who know about the benefits, keep using it.

So, how does turpentine oil work to eliminate parasites from the body?

Turpentine has Alpha & Beta Terpenes, which have the ability to enter the cells membrane of fungus and parasites, destroying their integrity and stopping the transport of electrons, essentially killing them.

There are several methods for using turpentine oil for parasite detoxification.

One popular method is to mix a small amount of turpentine oil with a carrier oil, such as castor oil, and taking it orally. This should be done under the guidance of a healthcare professional, or detox specialist, as turpentine oil can be toxic if not used properly. Another method is to use it topically, either by applying it directly to the skin or by adding it to a warm bath. Some people also use turpentine oil in enemas.

Positive results

many people have reported success with using turpentine oil for parasite detoxification. They report increased energy, improved digestion, and a reduction in symptoms associated with parasitic infections. However, it is important to approach this method of parasite detoxification with caution and under the guidance of an experienced specialist.

In conclusion,

turpentine oil has a long history of use as a natural remedy for various ailments, including parasite infections. While its effectiveness for parasite detoxification has not been fully established by scientific research, it has been used successfully by many people. If you are interested in using turpentine oil for parasite detoxification, reach out to us or order your kit today.


  1. Gavrilescu M, Demnerová K. Advances in Pine Oil Cleaning Technology: A Review. Biotechnol Prog. 2010;26(3):630-638. doi:10.1002/btpr.373

  2. Lino Neto J, Pereira P, Araújo A, et al. Essential Oils as an Alternative for the Control of Parasitic Diseases. Biomed Res Int. 2019;2019:5642416. doi:10.1155/2019/5642416

  3. Jackson C. The Miracle of Turpentine. Revised ed

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3월 15일
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Turpentine oil has been banned from a legal standpoint due to the cleansing properties it has, it can clear the mind from parasitical energies that influence and make easier for the mind to be influenced and controlled. At least, that's my opinion.


2023년 10월 13일
별점 5점 중 5점을 주었습니다.

Great Information on the use of Turpentine oil for parasites!

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