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Toxicity Analysis

Identifying your Toxins


Online Detox Program

Dewitt Morales

Certified Toxicology & Detox Specialist

Finding the Root:
Identifying Toxins in your Diet


Duration: 7 days.

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Time needed: approx.10 minutes/day

after work, in the evening/night.


Difficulty: super easy, just upload everyday, we do the hard part.


Toxin Exposure: Know what toxins you're consuming


  • Genotoxins

  • Artificial Sweeteners. 

  • Artificial Flavors.

  • Bioengineered foods (GMO)

  • & more!


Toxin Knowledge: Know how such toxins affect you physically [liver, kidneys, gut, etc.] & mentally. If you know the WHY you'll know why to say NO.


Personalized feedback: Receive detailed Toxin Analysis, which is crucial information about the food you're eating. So you can then modify your grocery list & potentially add years to your life.

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Increase longevity: By removing toxins & toxic foods from your diet, you can potentially add many years to your life, increase your state of health, and live a happier, more fulfilled life.

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How does the program work?


It's very simple, all you have to do is update me through the online program platform, what you eat & drink every day for 7 or 14 days. Which takes about 10 minutes a day. Once completed, you'll receive a report on the toxins you're consuming, how they affect your body, and healthier alternatives to replace them.

Watch this video to be better informed on how the program works.

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Free Peak of day 1!


This is a video from day 1 of the online detox program. You'll be uploading everything you through our online program, a couple of questions, and you'll be good to go for the day. At the end of the 7 days, or 14 days, I will analyze all these data and prepare you a report with everything you need to know, about the foods & toxins you're consuming. And a whole list of phytochemical sources you can buy, so you can start replacing those toxic foods and start regenerating your most important organs.

Toxicity Report:

Know exactly what foods you're eating that are harming you, instead of nourishing & healing you, from:

  • Genotoxins

  • Artificial Sweeteners. 

  • Artificial Flavors.

  • Bioengineered foods (GMO)

  • Toxic chemically altered foods.

  • Highly processed & inflammatory foods.

  • Overload of stimulants

  • Harmful preservatives

  • Highly saturated hydrogenated oils

  • Acrylamide

  • & much more...

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How does the program work?

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Report what you ate

Throughout the 7 program, you'll report (via our app or online here) your daily food intake to Dewitt, Certified Toxicology & Detox Specialist. This detailed tracking allows him to analyze your current eating habits thoroughly.

  • Breakfast, lunch & dinner.

  • Snacks

  • Drinks

  • Anything & everything you consume.

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Learn about the effect of the toxins you're eating.

Gain a deep understanding of the toxins present in your diet and their potential health consequences. 

For example:

  • Heavy metals: Like mercury

  • Artificial Colorants & Sweeteners

  • Tran fats

  • Hydrogenated Oils

  • Harmful preservatives & chemicals

  • High sugar foods

  • & more.

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Learn about Vitamins, Minerals and Phytonutrients that support your health

You'll receive a breakdown of the estimated vitamins, minerals & phytonutrients you're consuming, and which ones you most likely need to increase, through diet or supplementation. Example:

  • Vitamins B12

  • CoQ10

  • Phytochemicals

  • Antioxidants

  • Sulphur-rich foods

  • Amino acids like: Cysteine, Glycine and Glutamine 

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Receive a Detailed Report on your Toxin Consumption

At the end of the week (or 2 weeks), you'll receive personalized feedback on your dietary choices, of the toxins you're consuming, their impact on your body and organs, and how these toxins affect the development of your body & your children. Learn how the food you eat impacts your:

  • Liver

  • Kidneys

  • Immune system

  • Brain Health: Cognitive & mental functions 

  • Gut health

  • Candida & microorganism growth in the gut

  • & much more.

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Get alternatives to replace toxic foods

I'll guide you on finding healthier alternatives to the toxic chemicals and substances you're consuming.

  • Replace toxic foods, snacks and drinks for healthier ones. That will drastically improve your quality of life.


Remember, I'm certified and educated. 100% science-backed education.

Dewitt Morales, is certified as a Detox & Toxicology specialist, trained and educated to complete health assessments regarding a persons' toxicity levels, to identify toxins in your food & household products that could affect you and your children's development, and to create completely personalized and tailored to you detoxification programs. ByeToxins, is a 14-day program to identify toxin exposure & vitamin consumption through analyzing your food intake. For a fully personalized 60+ day full body detox, click here.

Ready to identify which toxins you're unknowingly exposing yourself to? 

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